I’m Gill, It’s great to meet you.
Undeniably photography is a really personal thing, especially trusting someone to take your photo. This ‘About Gill’ page will let you find out lots about me so that you can decide if we are a good fit or not. There’s a bit about the ‘business’ me and about the ‘me’ me. If you have any questions do get in touch. Ready ? so lets get started – first of all ….
I believe that there is something fabulous, almost magical about a photograph, it’s like time travel, you look at it and you’re instantly transported straight back in time.
Pure magic!
I believe that there is something fabulous, almost magical, about a photograph, it’s like time travel, you look at it and you’re instantly transported straight back in time.
Pure magic!
Haha … so for these photos of me ? Very very early morning on the beach in Tinos (a beautiful Greek island), no make up – sorry ! All dolled up and having my photo taken by an exceedingly good portrait photographer (Jo B – I love you !!!). And the last one yes … well, that’s me being a nightmare on a fab holiday in Portugal. I promise you it was a very very pretty leaf with the sun coming through ! …
Yes, you’ve noticed, I’m wearing blue in all of the shots – first “Gill fact” – blue, any shade, is my favourite colour.
I love people, I love chatting to them, making them laugh, making them forget the camera and just enjoy the session. That means I get to take great shots of the ‘real’ you, with beauty and personality shining through – a gorgeous natural smile or a sparkly eyed grin. So if I ask you to jump in the air, it’s a sneaky way of getting the huge laugh that follows straight afterwards.
I have been taking photos of you wonderful people since 2009. I’ve taken head shots for brilliant business owners, fun filled trips out for adorable families, magical wedding days, gorgeous romantic couples and all sorts of other events and occasions. I love it !
My style is timeless and simple, definitely not the latest trend (I have never ever been cool), but that means that your images will look as beautiful in 5, 10 or 20 years as they do the very first time you see them.
I love people, I love chatting to them, making them laugh, making them relax and feel good.
For as long as I can remember I have been taking photos. Even to the point where my Saturday job as a teenager was working in a photo shop developing other peoples photos.
I am genuinely happiest when I am out and about with a camera – any camera, my big pro Nikon, or my camera phone. Travelling is another love … all those photo opportunities. My family will tell you I’m a nightmare to go on hols with, forever stopping to photograph some detail or other. It could be a pretty leaf, a broken old doorway, a fab landscape or even ‘just’ a sunset. My memory card is always full of hundreds of colourful shots.
LET’S meeT up
If after reading all that, you think I am the photographer for you, woohooooo, I cannot wait to meet you soon ! Drop me a line here …
Did I mention that I like colour and travel … can you recognise some of the countries featured below?
PS I have a confession …
To be honest, like most people over 20, I am waaaaay happier behind the camera than in front of it. So if you are sitting there thinking “hmmmmm I’m still not sure about a photo shoot Gill. I hate having my photo taken, I’m not photogenic” believe me I know that feeling!
I promise I will make it as easy as fun as possible. I think that having a really good photo of yourself can be incredible mood booster – you know when you’ve had a long day or week at work and that a vaguely familiar tired person stares back at you in the morning mirror. That’s the moment when you need a really good reminder of just how fabulous you are and a good photo can do that !
Another thing that I realised recently, is that photos of me aren’t really for me. Preparing our family photo album one year I realised that there were no photos in it of me before May, then August (birthday) and then Crimbo. I was the ghostly photo taker even on our summer holidays.
Selfies, a deep breath and smile when people point a camera at me has put that right and I am now part of our photo history.
Promise me that whether you choose to book a photo session with me, or not, you will make sure you exist in photos. This brilliant funny short video by Chatbooks (a US album manufacturer) puts it perfectly.